Pre-departure Study

This page will host some pre-departure study tools to help you prepare for work in Houston.  

1.  Intercultural Communication Commercials
Watch these commercials and answer the questions in the comment box below:

CM001: HSBC Career Break:

1.      Transcribe the words spoken in the CM.
2.      According to the CM, what do you really need in the future?
3.      In the CM, the man is wearing different clothes for different situations. He starts by wearing a suit in the office.  What clothes from the CM do you think are suitable for the office?
4.      The man takes off his tie, do you think it is ok to take off your tie in the office? Please explain your answer.
5.      What you wear is an important part of making a good first impression.  Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please explain.
6.      Taking a career break is quite common in the US and the UK.  It is not so common in Japan.  Why do you think people don’t tend to take career breaks in Japan?
7.      Who would you like to be in the future?

CM002: HSBC Global

1.        Transcribe the words spoken in the CM.
2.        What is the difference between a map, a globe and an atlas?
3.        Why is a globe often tilted?
4.        Why are maps and globes important?
5.        Maps have many symbols.  When is it necessary to use symbols in everyday life?
6.        Sometimes maps can cause disagreements between people, why? Please give an example.
7.        What might the child at the beginning of the CM be thinking about?
8.        What countries were referenced in the CM?
9.        Maps can represent anything, not just land.  Can you find a map that represents something unusual?  Post the URL as your answer.
10.    How can you make the most of the world?

CM003: HSBC Preparing for Canada

1.        Where do you think the man at the beginning of the commercial lives?
2.        What kind of challenges do you think the man who is going to Canada will face? Please give examples.
3.        What kind of challenges will you face when you go to Houston?
4.        How can you prepare for these challenges?
5.        What advice would you give the man going to Canada?
6.        Where can you get information about Houston?
7.        Canada is very different to the man’s home country.  Maybe he will experience Culture Shock. How will you overcome culture shock in the USA?
8.  The word ‘prepare’ comes from the word ‘preparation’ it means to ‘make ready’.  ‘Pre’ comes from Latin and it means ‘before,’ ‘early’in advance.’ Can you think of any other words that start with ‘Pre’?  

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